A Willing Transfer of Belief
Featuring: Michelle Blade + Hillary Wiedemann
Show Runs March 29, 2013 – May 18, 2013
Reception: Friday, April 5, 5-8pm
Johansson Projects is pleased to present a “A Willing Transfer of Belief”, a two person exhibition featuring works of Michelle Blade and Hillary Wiedemann.
The luminous surfaces of Blade’s work border on abstraction and simultaneously depict transcendent spaces and colorful, totem-like characters. For this exhibition Blade brings together painting and sculpture, inserting moments of levity within ideologies of Existentialism. A painting of a ghost activated by an oscillating fan, exhibited along side a woven Mylar tapestry that depicts the phenomenological myth of the double sunset, explores humor and the state that lies between certainty and doubt.
Combining the scientific and the phenomenal, Hillary Wiedemann’s videos and sound installations document the experiential as visible and transcribe visible to the audible. Digital video projections and images of light recreate the sun’s stunning perceptual effects, while a recording of solar oscillations emotes the audible from the invisible core.
Considering light, surface and movement the works exhibited share a mutual interest in capturing the transcendent phenomena of the natural world. Driven by the inescapable effects of the qualities the sun possesses, both Wiedemann and Blade’s work create a ritual of their role as makers of meaning, through objects and experience.