here i dreamt i was an architect
Featuring: Bemjamin Terry
Show runs August 2 – October 19, 2019
Reception: Friday August 2 5-8pm
Johansson Projects presents Here I Dreamt I Was an Architect featuring the penciled, chopped, painted, and glued together works of Benjamin Terry. Seating will be provided by the artist, which can probably hold a person…as long as you’re in complete control of your body.
Not quite an architect, Terry builds his 3D paintings of construction grade plywood, creating a depth that is easy to inhabit. They would be easier to touch. Like Ellsworth Kelly’s small works, they give the sense of being left-overs that taste better. Half manual labor and half delicate touch. Half joyous latex colors and half white on white on white. One or two seem like spiritual charcoal. Others are builder’s drawings. One is a nice guy painting, full of longing. But no matter which, all convey a sudden crooked balance. A funny distilled brilliance. Patiently waited for – and captured.